Summer’s End

Sad brown eyed dog laying on the colored leaves of fall in the outdoors.
Photo by Tereza Hošková on Unsplash

Melancholy moments

I don’t know why, but the end of each summer makes me feel melancholy. There is no specific triggering event that I can recall, no direct issues that I can associate them to, but that feeling happens each year.

This year, of course, is no different and a few days ago I realized that when I left for and arrived home from work it was suddenly dark where it had been light just the day before. The changes are so subtle as they unfold that they are almost imperceptible.

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Photo by Bernd Schulz on Unsplash

This morning on my way to work the waking world looked so quiet and beautiful.

I have always felt like I’ve lost something at the end of each summer. An awareness that I am one year older and that there are a finite number of summers left in my life.

This awareness for me is not one that I dwell on negatively but use as a means of appreciating the little things as well as the big ones and learning to let go of that which I deem to be inconsequential.

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Photo by Joshua Sazon on Unsplash

Each season as I become ‘more myself’, I learn what really matters and I am taking more time for self-care. Working towards a calmer me by removing myself from persons and situations that do not contribute to my growth or bring out my best.

I am learning to accept the me that I am and loving it flaws and all. I take joy in each day and in each experience, and I make every effort to learn the lessons each day teaches.

The metamorphosis continues…

Goodbye summer, I’ve grown a lot this past year and I look forward to our meeting again.

Until next time.

Be safe, be well, be blessed!

Published by gifted50

I am a lover of God, most things from nature, (not worms or snakes) and photography. I love dancing, music, reading, learning new things. I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend. I am a Registered (Emergency Room) Nurse by profession. The intent behind this blog is to share tips on how we can become healthier and better versions of ourselves as we journey life's road together. I write about my life experiences, health, childhood lessons, my relationship with God and man and heed the promptings of the Holy Spirit. So let us journey alongside each other. "Keep good company, read good books, love good things and cultivate soul and body as faithfully as you can" ~ Louisa May Alcott.

15 thoughts on “Summer’s End

  1. I’m right there with you, Pene. I was diagnosed several years ago with Seasonal Affective Disorder and now an antidepressant keeps me more on an even keel. I try not to dread fall and winter as much as I used to. I think it will forever be a work in progress. We need to think positively. I’m trying ….


    1. Good you are doing better with it. I have not been dx and I don’t necessarily feel sad, I feel more melancholy I think … something else to think about now…lol.


  2. Pene, Thoughtful, meaningful post with beautiful illustrative photos. ❤ Sorry you feel a little down at this time of the year. Is there a possibility that you suffer from SAD? I think that using the season as a milestone and time of reevaluation as you are doing is a very constructive thing to do. 🙂 Thank you for sharing your experiences. Stay safe and be well! Cheryl


    1. Good morning. I don’t think SAD, just introspection I think. I re-evaluate things I think. This year of course I have a few rounds in the ring of life. I am not unhappy, just pondering many things. This is always me, I think about many things always have been.
      Hope you are great. Blessings to you.


  3. Lovely post and photos! I have always loved summer as my favorite season; I never want it to end either. This year, I am embracing autumn better than most years. Somehow, it has taken so much to get through these pandemic days, that the change of season is welcome. I have already bought some pumpkins and put them out on the porch. Wishing you blessings this first day of October!


    1. Hey sister! Always happy to hear from you. The online zoom school is keeping me busy these days. So I work the later the week-ends and I am teacher on the other days, lol. I feel quite busy.


      1. Hi sis. I’m sorry for my late reply. I usually reply via my Gmail and I don’t get updates unless I use the app. Aww. Me too. 😊

        That is great. How has the experience been?.
        Smiles. You are really into a lot. 🙂
        Hope you do find time to rest. Do try. 🤗


  4. Love those autumnal photographs I’ve always felt the same about autumn/the end of Summer, it’s a very reflective time because a sharp change is on the horizon…winter.

    Half the year has passed – September is the turning point for me, the start of the run up to Christmas, the last lap of the year lol and a perfect time to take stock and make plans rather than waiting until January (which tends to feel a bit forced when everyone expects it from you). 🍁🔆🐿


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