Mom’s Dahlia Flower

Dahlia flower, planted by my mom.
The smaller plant, cannot recall the name, but it smells like lemon. Just beautiful. It has those small yellow flowers that smells divine.


Just starting to open.


It is underway.


Still more opening to go.


Today is has opened even more. And it is beautiful.

Be blessed and have a good day.

Published by gifted50

I am a lover of God, most things from nature, (not worms or snakes) and photography. I love dancing, music, reading, learning new things. I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend. I am a Registered (Emergency Room) Nurse by profession. The intent behind this blog is to share tips on how we can become healthier and better versions of ourselves as we journey life's road together. I write about my life experiences, health, childhood lessons, my relationship with God and man and heed the promptings of the Holy Spirit. So let us journey alongside each other. "Keep good company, read good books, love good things and cultivate soul and body as faithfully as you can" ~ Louisa May Alcott.

31 thoughts on “Mom’s Dahlia Flower

      1. No between the initial budding and the flower opening, about 1 week as the but was getting bigger, then once it began opening, it is day by day. I took the last one this morning.


  1. Dahlias are amongst my favorite flowers. They range from large, full, and lush, to spiky brightly colored creations that look almost as if you could find them in a coral reef. Thanks for sharing this beautiful display of God’s creation. Blessings on your day, Pene`. ♥♥


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